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Friday, October 5, 2012


We had an Andersen Reunion over the Labor Day Weekend...
I was so happy to have us all together.  We gathered at my daughter Cheryl's house, with her husband Mike and all 3 of their daugher's. I got to meet for the first time 3 Great-Grandchildren.  Oh, my heart just melted when I first saw them.  My 3 Great-Grandchildren are my Granddaughter Marissa and her husband Scott's three boys.  They are sweet and love to play.  Marissa's brother Kiel, and Aaron were there. My husband, Bruce and I were thrilled to be able to be with everyone.  Oh, and I can't forget Kiel's beautiful doggy Jameson, who got so much attention.  He's the cutest doggy ever...!  These three Grandchildren are my oldest Son Steve's three children. We made so many good memories that I will cherish forever. 

We had a Filipino night, which consisted of:  Pansit, Lumpia.  My Son Steve made the Pansit, and I made the Lumpia.  I pinned the recipes on my Pinterest. 

I am looking forward to another Reunion next year; and hopefully my youngest Son, David and his wife Stacy can be there.  Their children are all grown up now.  But maybe they'll all be able to make the trip to Arizona.

All-in-all, we gathered together, which reminded us that family is very important in our lives. I love all of you so much!
Grandma Wanda/Mom

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I have loved to write all my life. My unknown talent started in the 8th grade. I had a great homeroom teacher and she was also my English teacher. She brought out the qualities in me that I didn't know that I had. Writing came easy to me, and creating a story for schoolwork was easy with little effort. My teacher saw that quality in me and praised my work. I became secretary of the class. She encourged me to write poetry for the school newspaper. When I look back I give that special teacher all the credit for believing in me and never giving up on me until I myself could see that there was a future in writing for me. I have four children and all of them are good writer's. My youngest son has just become a Published Author. I am so very proud of him. A lot of my grandchildren are good writer's and one of them is making a career of writing. I am a Published Author as of last November, 2012. I have just finished a sequel to my first book. So excited to start my third book. The name of my first book is: "Tiny Teacup and Pot Belly Pig." My second book, "Tiny Teacup and Pot Belly Pig Go To Africa To Meet The Great Lion." My dreams have come true. I am so very happy living in Arizona where my husband and I retired to. There is time for writing, and enjoying the 'Sun' where we live. I work part time with my daughter as a Preschool Teacher. My book can be purchased at: Wanda Fay Messimer

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bullying Is Not Okay

I have been hearing so much lately about bullying. It has not acceptable in the past, and it is not accdeptable now. I was bullied in Junior High school, 7th grade. It started by a clique of girls, becoming jealous of me when I started blooming into a woman. Yes, I hate to admit that some girls can be so cruel, but they were. It happened to me at lunch time whenever I went to the restroom. It's like they had a look out just waiting. When I was ready to leave, there they were, intimidating me with cruel words, shoves and tripping. I didn't tell my parents for fear bullies would attack me even more. Of course I wasn't a happy camper. One day I had enough. I was talking to my homeroom friends, and they said, "This won't happen to you again." The bulies came into the bathroom the next day; my homeroom friends, told them that this wasn't going to happen again. The clique of girls left me alone after that. I had so much graditude for my friends. I never told my parents. That's what the bullies want. Daunting their victims, keeping them in constant fear. The school officials can't be everywhere at one time. So the bullies are getting away with it more than they should. I feel that if the student counsel of the schools could start maybe a pilot program against bullying. They could get volunteers and have the school backing them with rules to go by. The consequence for the actions of the bullies would not be forgotten but handled in a way that would stop all bullying in and out of school. In high school you have to do volunteer work before graduation, so the group working to stop bullying in schools could get credits that would be considered volunteer work. It might work. Peers against peers leading the bullies to see the error of their own ways.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Dear Lord,

I treasure my relationship with You.

When I first came to You my life was Rocky,
and turbulent.

You gave me the Peace and Grace to go beyond
my earthly woes and trust in you, and your word.

Now, I am one with You; grounded, and
at peace with myself and my direction.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Today the most precious dog left this world and entered "Doggy Heaven". Her name was ANGEL, a beautiful German Shepard. She belonged to my daughter and her family. Her life on this earth was short; seven years.

Our animals mean so much to us. They become part of our families. Losing a beloved animal is very hard on everyone.

My prayers go out to my daughter and her family. Letting go is hard, but we must remember the good life that Angel had and I praise her presence in my life, always
remembering that Angel gave to all of us, "the gift of love of a dog."

Wanda Fay Messimer